W-2 Magnetic Media Filing #
Overview #
W2 Magnetic Media Filing is a feature of PRO-PAY software that allows employers to submit W-2 wage information electronically to the Social Security Administration (SSA). This method is often mandatory for employers with a large number of employees and offers significant time and cost savings.
Key Features #
- Easy-to-use interface within PRO-PAY software
- Creates files compatible with SSA’s MMREF-1 format
- Supports filing for multiple clients
- Integrates with SSA’s AccuWage software for file verification
How to Use W2 Magnetic Media Filing #
Step 1: Accessing the Feature #
- From the “Select Client” screen, click “Client Functions”
- Click “Electronic Processing”
- Select “W-2 Magnetic Filing”
Step 2: Client Selection #
- On the W-2 client selection screen, choose one or more clients for filing
Step 3: File Creation #
PRO-PAY will automatically create a file containing all necessary W-2 wage information for submission to the SSA.
Step 4: File Verification #
- Download AccuWage software from the SSA website: http://www.ssa.gov/employer/
- Use AccuWage to test the file created by PRO-PAY
- Make any necessary corrections based on AccuWage results
Step 5: SSA Registration #
Register with the SSA to receive a PIN# and password before using AccuWage or submitting W-2 wage information electronically.
Step 6: File Submission #
- Go to https://secure.ssa.gov/acu/LoginWeb/loginHandler.do
- Log in using your SSA-provided PIN# and password
- Use AccuWage to verify your file and make any final corrections
- Click “Upload Formatted Wage File” and follow on-screen instructions
- Use the BROWSE button to locate the W2??????.TXT file in your \PAYSOFT\PROPAY0? folder
- Print the receipt confirmation for your records
Important Considerations #
- Filing deadline is typically January 31st
- Consider waiting until year-end to file, allowing for any last-minute adjustments
- The created file includes an “RS” record containing state information
- Many states have information-sharing agreements with the federal government, potentially reducing filing requirements
State Filing #
- Check with your specific state for their filing requirements
- The “RS” record in the W2 file contains relevant state information, including:
- Employee’s wages subject to state withholding
- State tax withheld for the year
- Employer’s state ID numbers
Troubleshooting #
Common Issues and Solutions #
- Missing Social Security Number or Zip Code
- Use AccuWage to identify these issues
- Update the employee information in PRO-PAY and regenerate the file
- File Rejection by SSA
- Review the error message provided
- Make necessary corrections in PRO-PAY
- Regenerate and retest the file using AccuWage before resubmitting
- Unable to Log in to SSA Website
- Ensure you have registered and received your PIN# and password
- If you’ve forgotten your login credentials, use the SSA website’s password recovery option
Additional Help #
For further assistance:
- Use the help menu within the PRO-PAY payroll software
- Visit our website at https://www.paysoft.com
Feedback #
We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this documentation or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team through the PRO-PAY software or our website.