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The XML Copy Editor

Using XML Copy Editor for ProPay Magnetic Media Files #

Overview #

The XML Copy Editor is a fast, free, and validating XML editor that can be used to open and view Magnetic Media files created by Pro-Pay before submitting them to the IRS or other tax agencies. This article provides guidance on how to use the XML Copy Editor with ProPay files and highlights important considerations.

Purpose and Key Functionalities #

  • Open and view Magnetic Media files created by Pro-Pay
  • Validate XML structure and content
  • Provide a visual representation of XML data

Downloading and Installing XML Copy Editor #

  1. Visit the official website:
  2. Download the appropriate version for your operating system
  3. Follow the installation instructions provided on the website

Using XML Copy Editor with ProPay Files #

Opening a ProPay Magnetic Media File #

  1. Launch XML Copy Editor
  2. Click on “File” in the top menu
  3. Select “Open” and navigate to your ProPay Magnetic Media file
  4. Choose the file and click “Open”

Viewing File Contents #

  • The XML structure will be displayed in a tree-like format
  • Expand or collapse nodes to view specific sections of the file
  • The right panel shows the raw XML content

Data Validation #

  1. After opening the file, XML Copy Editor automatically validates the XML structure
  2. Any errors or warnings will be displayed in the “Messages” panel at the bottom of the screen

Important Considerations #

  1. Do not edit the files: XML Copy Editor is to be used for viewing purposes only. Editing the files may cause errors in submission.
  2. Do not save changes: Avoid saving any changes to the files, even if accidental modifications occur.
  3. Additional validation: It is recommended to print 1-2 paper tax returns and compare the data with the e-file for further validation.

Sample XML Content #

Below is an example of what you might see when opening a ProPay Magnetic Media file in XML Copy Editor:

Troubleshooting #

Issue: Unable to open the file #

  1. Ensure the file has a .xml extension
  2. Check if the file is not corrupted by opening it in a text editor
  3. Verify that you have the necessary permissions to access the file

Issue: XML validation errors #

  1. Do not attempt to fix these errors in XML Copy Editor
  2. Report the issue to ProPay support for assistance

Additional Help and Support #

For further assistance or questions about ProPay software:

  1. Access the help menu within the ProPay payroll software
  2. Visit the ProPay website at
  3. Contact ProPay customer support through the channels provided on their website

Feedback #

We value your input to improve our documentation. If you have suggestions or find any issues with this article, please contact our support team through the ProPay website.