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Technical Support Fees

Technical support related to Payroll issues and the Pro-Pay software is provided directly by Paysoft, Inc.

 For any other type of support see help topic:  

  Technical Support- 3rd Parties

To Submit a Technical Support Incident go to:

Pro-Pay Main Menu


Submit technical Support Incident


As of May 2006

Incidents related to SOFTWARE BUGS (category 6 below) ARE FREE OF CHARGE

However a charge of $75.00 PER 30 MINUTES INCREMENT OR PART, of our staff’s time, will apply on any

technical support request related to categories 1 through 5 below, for A MAXIMUM OF150.00.  If more

time is required, you will be notified.

1) GENERAL QUESTIONS ABOUT PAYROLL: The answers to these questions can be found in the Employer’s Tax Guide,

   or the other various state publications. We will assess a charge to answer these questions.

2) QUESTIONS ABOUT THE Pro-Pay SOFTWARE: Many of the questions we receive are already answered in the

   HELP Menu. If the answer you seek is already in the HELP Menu, a charge will be assessed. However, if the

   answer is NOT in any of the HELP menus, we will be more than happy to assist you at no charge.

3) USER-RELATED PROBLEMS: Some problems may be related to user input. Paysoft, Inc has no control over the

   quality of input by the individual user. In these cases, it is very time consuming for Paysoft, Inc to

   review the data files and try to determine the source of the problem. Therefore, a technical support fee

   will be charged to review the files and try to fix the problem.


   For these problems you need to contact your IT person or your Network Administrator. If you do not have a

   Network Administrator, or one is unavailable, and we are able to assist you, a technical support fee

   will be charged.

5) TRAINING: Due to the LOW COST of our software, we are not staffed to offer personalized training

   to our new clients, or new employees  of our clients.

6) SOFTWARE BUGS: If the problem is such that REQUIRES A SOFTWARE CHANGE, it is a SOFTWARE BUG. 

   In these cases, NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT CHARGE WILL BE ASSESSED. The problem will be fixed and 

   an update will be made available as soon as possible.

Thank you for using Pro-Pay!

Paysoft, Inc.

Paysoft, Inc reserves the right to change its support policy at any time without notice.