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System Set Up – Security

Password Management and Paycheck Customization #

Overview #

This article provides detailed information about password management and paycheck customization features in the ProPay payroll software. It covers the optional use of passwords, different password levels, and how to customize paycheck messages.

Password Management #

Optional Use of Passwords #

  • Passwords are optional in ProPay
  • Recommended when multiple users have access to payroll files
  • For single-user scenarios, password fields in System Setup can be left blank

Password Levels #

ProPay offers three levels of password protection:

  1. First Level – Log in Password
    • Allows entry into the payroll program
    • Can only be changed with supervisor password access
  2. Second Level – User Password
    • Assigned to Payroll Data Entry personnel
    • Grants access to specific operations (e.g., deleting a previously issued paycheck)
    • Can be changed by a supervisor
  3. Third Level – Supervisor Password
    • Entered during initial program installation in the System Set Up screen
    • Provides access to critical areas (e.g., altering user passwords, updating tax tables)

Paycheck Customization #

ProPay allows customization of messages on employee paychecks and pay stubs:

  1. Global Paycheck Message
    • Appears on all employees’ paychecks and pay stubs across all clients
  2. Paycheck Line-1
    • Appears in small print on all employees’ paychecks
    • Example: “Payrolls by John Doe CPA 999-888-7777”
  3. Sub Lines 1 & 2
    • Appears on all employees’ pay stubs
    • Example: “Quick Refunds on Tax Returns by John Doe CPA 999-888-7777”

How to Use These Features #

  1. Access the System Setup screen in ProPay
  2. Configure password settings as needed
  3. Enter custom messages for paychecks and pay stubs in the appropriate fields

Troubleshooting #

Common Issues and Solutions #

  1. Forgotten Log in Password
    • Contact your system supervisor for assistance
    • The supervisor can reset your password using their supervisor-level access
  2. Unable to Perform Certain Operations
    • Ensure you have the appropriate user-level or supervisor-level password
    • Contact your system supervisor if you need elevated access
  3. Custom Messages Not Appearing on Paychecks
    • Verify that the messages were entered correctly in the System Setup screen
    • Ensure changes were saved before generating paychecks
    • Try regenerating the paychecks after double-checking the custom message fields

Additional Help #

For further assistance:

  • Use the help menu within the ProPay payroll software
  • Visit our website at for additional resources and support

Feedback #

We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this documentation or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team through the ProPay software or our website.