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Signature on Checks

Signature On Checks #

Overview #

This article provides instructions on how to add pre-signed checks to ProPay, our payroll software. This feature is designed for business owners who are frequently on the go and need to have checks signed in their absence.

Key Features #

  • Ability to add a client’s signature to payroll checks
  • Option to use the same signature for billing checks
  • Customizable signature placement on checks

How to Add a Signature to Checks #

Step 1: Obtain the Signature #

  1. Ask the client to sign their name on a blank page (without a signature line) in their normal way.

Step 2: Scan the Signature #

  1. Using any type of scanner, scan a rectangular area around the signature.
  2. Save the scanned image as a .bmp file.
  3. Name the file using the client’s file ID number (e.g., A01.bmp).

CAUTION: Do not scan the entire 8.5 x 11 page.

Step 3: Save the File #

  1. Save the .bmp file in the C:\Paysoft\PROPAY20 directory.
    • If you run ProPay from another drive, substitute C: with the proper drive name.

Step 4: Add Signature to Billing Checks (Optional) #

To use the same signature on the Payroll Processor’s check for payment of payroll services:

  1. Copy the original .bmp file (e.g., A01.bmp).
  2. Rename the copy to include “_BILL” (e.g., A01_BILL.bmp).

Scanning Guidelines #

  • Scan an area approximately 3/4 inch by 2.5 inches.
  • Capture only a rectangle about 1/4 inch around the signature.
  • The captured rectangle should be approximately 3 times wider than its height.
  • Save the image at 300 DPI resolution.
  • The file size should normally be 32-64 KB, and not more than 200 KB.

Troubleshooting #

Signature Not Printing on the Signature Line #

If the signature prints on the check but not exactly above the signature line:

  1. Rescan the signature.
  2. Add more blank area on the appropriate side to adjust the placement.

Signature Too Big or Too Small #

If the scanned signature prints too big or too small:

  1. Open the signature file with Microsoft Paint.
  2. Resize the image as needed.

Additional Support #

For further assistance, please refer to:

  • The help menu in our ProPay payroll software
  • Our website:

Feedback #

We value your input! If you have any suggestions for improving this article or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team through the ProPay software or our website.