Payroll Functions Menu #
Overview #
ProPay is a powerful payroll software designed to streamline your payroll processing tasks. This Knowledge Base article focuses on the Payroll Functions menu, which is a central hub for managing client information and processing payrolls.
Key Features #
Client List Access #
- Click on “Payroll Functions” to access the client list.
- To process payroll for a client:
- Double-click on the company name, or
- Click once to highlight the company, then click “Enter Payroll”
Screen Layout #
The top of the screen displays the following items from left to right:
CALL (Red Check Mark) #
- Indicates clients scheduled for payroll this week
- Can be manually added or removed:
- Highlight the client
- Left-click once
- Right-click to toggle the check mark
Tip: This feature helps focus on clients scheduled for payroll this week.
Call Day #
- Shows the day of the week or month for client contact
- Helps manage client communication efficiently
Call Time #
- Indicates the scheduled time to contact the client for payroll information
Type #
- Displays payroll frequency: (W)eekly, (B)iweekly, (S)emimonthly, or (M)onthly
File ID #
- 3-character identifier for file management purposes
Clients #
- Use “LIST CLIENTS” button to toggle between all clients and those scheduled for payroll
Phone #
- Primary contact number for payroll information
Contact #
- Designated person for submitting payroll information
Pay Day #
- Indicates the client’s payday
Comment #
- Space for temporary notes (automatically erased before next pay date)
- Press “Enter” after typing to save the comment
Reminder #
- Displays permanent notes set during client setup
- Can only be changed through “Client Functions” > “Change Client”
Common User Queries #
Q: How do I find a specific client quickly? #
A: Use the “Find Client” feature:
- Click “List” to display all clients
- Type the first 1-3 letters of the client name
- The scroll bar will move to the matching client
Q: Can I see only the clients scheduled for payroll this week? #
A: Yes, click the “LIST CLIENTS” button at the bottom of the screen to toggle between all clients and those with red check marks (scheduled for payroll).
Q: How do I add or remove a client from this week’s payroll schedule? #
- Highlight the client
- Left-click once
- Right-click to add or remove the red check mark
Troubleshooting #
Issue: Cannot see the red check mark for a scheduled client #
- Ensure you’re viewing the correct week
- Try manually adding the check mark (see instructions above)
- Verify the client’s payroll schedule in “Client Functions” > “Change Client”
Issue: Comment not saving #
- Make sure to press “Enter” after typing the comment
- Check if the comment field is active (highlighted)
- Try closing and reopening the Payroll Functions menu
Additional Functions #
- Exit: Close the Payroll Functions menu
- Enter Payroll: Process payroll for the highlighted client
- Phone: Dial the client’s number (requires modem connection)
- Print List: Generate a printout of the client list
Feedback and Support #
For additional assistance or to provide feedback on this documentation, please:
- Use the help menu within the ProPay software
- Visit our website at
Your input helps us improve our documentation and software. Thank you for using ProPay!