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Scheduled Pay Dates

Setting Up and Using Payroll Frequency #

Overview #

ProPay is a comprehensive payroll software designed to streamline your payroll process. This article focuses on setting up and using the Payroll Frequency feature, which is crucial for creating scheduled pay dates and processing payrolls efficiently.

Key Concepts #

  1. Scheduled Pay Dates
  2. Payroll Frequency
  3. Employer’s Payroll Frequency Setup
  4. Entering New Payroll

Setting Up Payroll Frequency #

Understanding Payroll Frequency #

Payroll Frequency determines how often an employer pays their employees. Common frequencies include:

  • Weekly
  • Bi-weekly
  • Semi-monthly
  • Monthly

Steps to Set Up Payroll Frequency #

  1. Navigate to the Employer Setup screen in ProPay.
  2. Locate the Payroll Frequency section (highlighted in red in the software).
  3. Enter the required information:
    • Pay Frequency (e.g., Weekly, Bi-weekly)
    • Pay Day of Week
    • Pay Week Number (for Bi-weekly)
    • First Pay Date of Year

ProPay uses this information to generate the Scheduled Pay Dates report automatically.

Using Scheduled Pay Dates #

Accessing the Scheduled Pay Dates Report #

  1. Go to the Reports menu in ProPay.
  2. Select “Scheduled Pay Dates” report.

Understanding the Report #

  • The report shows all pay dates for the year based on the set Payroll Frequency.
  • It’s particularly useful for Bi-Weekly and Semi-Monthly payrolls.
  • The report can be printed and sent to clients at the beginning of each year.

Entering a New Payroll #

When entering a new payroll:

  1. A screen will appear with pre-filled dates based on the Scheduled Pay Dates report.
  2. In most cases, accept the dates as shown.
  3. If needed, you can manually adjust the dates.

Troubleshooting #

Common Issues and Solutions #

  1. Incorrect Pay Dates:
    • Verify the Payroll Frequency settings in the Employer Setup.
    • Ensure the First Pay Date of Year is correctly set.
  2. Missing Pay Dates in Report:
    • Check if the Pay Week Number is correctly set for Bi-weekly frequencies.
    • Confirm that the Pay Day of Week matches the employer’s actual payday.
  3. Unable to Change Dates When Entering Payroll:
    • Ensure you have the necessary permissions in ProPay.
    • Contact your system administrator if the issue persists.

Additional Resources #

  • For more detailed information, access the ProPay help menu within the software.
  • Visit our website at for additional support resources.

Feedback #

We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this article or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team through the ProPay software or our website.