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PDF Printer Driver

pdf995 Printer Driver #

Overview #

The pdf995 printer driver is a essential tool provided to Pro-Pay users under Paysoft Inc’s group license. This article guides you through the download, installation, and usage of the pdf995 driver within the Pro-Pay system.

Download and Installation #

Prerequisites #

Before downloading or installing the pdf995 printer driver:

  • Temporarily disable any antivirus or firewall software, as these may block the download and execution of third-party software.

Download Process #

  1. Start PAY2025 from your workstation’s desktop shortcut.
  2. Navigate to the menu option: “Download PDF995 Drivers – Download only once.”
  3. The PDF995.ZIP file will automatically download to the \Paysoft\DRIVERS folder.
  4. The program will extract the executable files to the same folder.

Installation via Pro-Pay Menu #

  1. Start PAY2025 from your workstation’s desktop shortcut.
  2. Go to the menu option: “Install the pdf995 Driver Pro-Pay from menu option.”
  3. Select “Run once from each workstation.”
  4. The installation process takes 1-2 minutes.
  5. The pdf995 software installs by default in the C:\pdf995 folder.

Manual Installation (If menu option fails) #

If the menu option installation fails:

  1. Locate the downloaded files in the \Paysoft\DRIVERS folder.
  2. Run the file autosetup.exe as Administrator.
  3. If you don’t have Administrator privileges, try running it as a regular user.
  4. The installation occurs in “quiet mode” and takes 1-2 minutes.
  5. A success message should appear upon completion.

Configuration and Testing #

Configuring pdf995 as the PDF Printer in Pro-Pay #

  1. Open PAY2025.EXE.
  3. Select pdf995 as your PDF printer.

Locating the pdf995 Output Folder #

  1. Open PAY2025.exe.
  3. Find the line: “Pdf995 Output Folder = C:\Users\username\Documents\Paysoft\PDF995\OUTPUT”
  4. You can copy this folder to your desktop for easy access to pdf995 printed documents.

Testing the pdf995 Driver #

  1. Open PAY2025.exe.
  2. Print a simple report to PDF995.
  3. Check the Pdf995 Output Folder to ensure the report is saved there.

Troubleshooting #

For issues related to pdf995 performance, refer to:

  • The help topic: “Troubleshooting pdf995 Not working”
  • Or visit:

Note: The distributed files are installed and designed for Pro-Pay use. For technical issues, contact Paysoft, Inc. for Technical support first.

Additional Resources #

For further assistance:

  • Use the help menu within the ProPay payroll software.
  • Visit our website:

Feedback #

We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this documentation or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team through the ProPay software or our website.