Net to Gross Calculation #
Overview #
This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform a Net to Gross calculation using the ProPay payroll software. This feature is useful when you need to calculate gross wages based on net wages, such as in situations involving employee termination or when paying specific net bonus amounts.
Key Features #
- Calculates gross wages from net wages
- Option to exclude state or federal taxes from the calculation
- Accessible through the Paycheck Menu in ProPay
Step-by-Step Instructions #
- Access Paychecks Screen
- Open your client’s account in ProPay
- Select the “Paychecks” option
- Navigate to Net to Gross Calculation
- Click on the “Paycheck Menu” dropdown at the top of the paychecks screen
- Select “Net to Gross Calculation”
- Select Employee
- Choose the relevant employee from the list
- Click “Continue”
- Enter Net Amount
- Input the desired net amount for the payroll check
- Optional: Choose to exclude state or federal taxes (only FICA and Medicare will be calculated)
- Click “Continue”
- Review Calculation
- The payroll calculation screen will appear
- Review the details
- Complete Process
- Click “Accept” to finalize the Net to Gross calculation
Common Questions and Troubleshooting #
Q: When should I use the Net to Gross Calculation feature? #
A: Use this feature when you need to determine gross wages based on a specific net amount, such as for terminated employees or when paying bonuses with a predetermined net value.
Q: Can I exclude certain taxes from the calculation? #
A: Yes, you have the option to exclude state or federal taxes. In this case, only FICA and Medicare will be calculated.
Q: What if the calculation seems incorrect? #
A: Double-check the net amount entered and ensure you’ve selected the correct employee. If issues persist, contact our support team for assistance.
Q: How do I access this feature if I can’t find the Paycheck Menu? #
A: Ensure you’re on the Paychecks screen. If you still can’t locate the Paycheck Menu, try refreshing the page or logging out and back in. If the problem continues, contact our technical support.
Additional Resources #
For more information or assistance with ProPay software:
- Access the Help menu within the ProPay application
- Visit our website at
Feedback #
We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this article or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team or use the feedback option in the ProPay software.