Merging Duplicate Employees in ProPay #
Overview #
This knowledge base article provides guidance on merging duplicate employee records in the ProPay payroll software. Duplicate employee records can occur due to various reasons and may lead to issues with payroll processing and tax reporting. This document outlines the situations where merging employees may be necessary, potential problems caused by duplicate records, and step-by-step instructions for resolving the issue.
Situations Requiring Employee Record Merging #
Duplicate employee records may need to be merged in the following scenarios:
- An employee who previously quit was rehired, and a new record was created instead of reactivating the old one.
- An employee was rehired under a different name.
- A user accidentally entered the same employee twice when using Pro-Pay WEB.
Potential Issues with Duplicate Records #
Having multiple records for the same employee can lead to several problems:
- The employee may receive multiple W-2 forms at the end of the year.
- The employer may have overpaid FICA, FUTA, and SUI contributions if the combined income from all records exceeds the annual ceilings.
Identifying Duplicate Records #
To identify duplicate employee records, you can review the Employee Master list or print the TAXABLE WAGES REPORT. Look for entries with similar names or multiple records with paychecks for what appears to be the same person.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Merging Duplicate Employees #
Follow these steps to merge duplicate employee records:
- Go to the “Employees” menu in ProPay.
- Enter the same Social Security Number (SSN) for all the duplicate records.
- Click on the “Employee Menu” option at the top of the screen.
- Select the “Merge Duplicate Employees” option.
- The program will prompt you to select which employee number should be kept as the primary record.
- Confirm your selection.
What Happens After Merging #
After merging the duplicate records:
- All paychecks will be assigned to the selected primary employee number.
- The program will recalculate the FICA, FUTA, and SUI wages for each paycheck.
Recovering Overpayments #
If overpayments were made for FICA, FUTA, or SUI taxes due to duplicate records:
- You may need to file amended returns to recover these overpayments.
- Consult with your tax professional or payroll administrator for guidance on filing amended returns.
Preventing Future Duplicate Records #
To avoid creating duplicate employee records in the future:
- Always check for existing records before adding a new employee.
- Pay attention to warnings about duplicate Social Security Numbers.
- If rehiring a former employee, search for their existing record and reactivate it instead of creating a new one.
Additional Help and Support #
For more information or assistance with merging duplicate employee records:
- Access the help menu within the ProPay payroll software.
- Visit our website at for additional resources and support.
Feedback #
We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this knowledge base article or encounter any issues while following these instructions, please contact our support team through the ProPay software or our website.