Pro-Pay SERVICE BUREAU PAYROLL SOFTWARE — This product is designed primarily for Payroll Service bureaus.
The principles of Paysoft, Inc. first began operating an accounting practice in 1981. Soon, it became evident that clients were asking for payroll services along with client write-up. They would rather deal with one company for both services than having to shop at different places. Unable to find suitable service bureau payroll software, the company was forced to refer clients to various outside service bureaus. At the same time Paysoft began development of its own software.
In 1987, for the first time, the company was able to offer payroll services at competitive prices to new and existing clients. Within a short time it was evident that the income potential from payroll services was tremendous. Because of the sophisticated level of the software, a typical client’s payroll could be processed within a few short minutes by clerical or data entry personnel.
Throughout the years, the software has been enhanced and features have been carefully added. In 1997 the company introduced its Windows version, which was made available to other payroll service bureaus for the first time. Within the first year Pro-Pay received widespread acceptance and established a substantial user base in all 50 states. Now entering its twenty fourth year in the Windows environment, Pro-Pay is a very stable product. It is the result of many years of research, testing and being in close contact with clients’ needs.
The number one comment we hear from our users is that the software is “easy to use” and yet it has “so many features” not found in typical off-the-shelf software. All new features added to the software are first tested by the company’s in-house payroll clients.
Whether you need to process payroll for one company or five hundred companies, now for the very first time, you can take advantage of some very powerful and unique features found only in Pro-Pay software.