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Employer Setup – Screen 1

Overview #

This knowledge base article provides comprehensive information about the Employer Set-up Screens in ProPay payroll software. These screens are crucial for setting up new clients and managing existing client information. The article covers the purpose of each screen, how to access them, and details about the information required in various fields.

Accessing Employer Set-up Screens #

For New Clients: #

  • The Employer Set-up Screens 1-5 appear automatically when adding a new client.

For Existing Clients: #

  1. Click on “Enter Payroll” for the desired client.
  2. From the “Payroll Main Menu,” click on “Employer” and then “Employer Set-up.”
  3. Use the folder tabs (pages 1-5) at the top of the screen to navigate between the five Employer Set-up Screens.

Employer Set-up Screen-1 #

Key Fields and Their Descriptions #

  1. Taxpayer Name:
    • For sole proprietors: Enter the Owner’s name
    • For partnerships: Enter the General Partner’s name
    • For corporations: Enter the Corporation name
  2. DBA (Doing Business As):
    • Enter the company trade name, address, city, state, and postal code
  3. Federal, State, Local ID Numbers:
    • Enter the employer’s identification numbers assigned by federal, state, and local agencies
    • Important: Always request a copy of the client’s Federal, State, and Local tax IDs. Do not accept Tax ID numbers verbally or over the phone.
  4. SUI (State Unemployment Insurance) Rate:
    • Enter the State Unemployment Insurance rate assigned to the employer by the State each year
  5. Training Rate:
    • Some states assign a training rate (also known as WORK-FORCE or RE-EMPLOYMENT rate)
    • Enter this rate if applicable to the employer
  6. 9-Digit Bank No (Routing Number):
    • Enter the 9-digit routing number of the client’s bank
    • This can be found at the bottom of a voided check from the client’s account
  7. Client Account #:
    • Enter the client’s bank account number
    • Include any special symbols between numbers (use the special symbol keys provided on the screen)
    • Warning: Do not include the check number as part of the account number
  8. Bank Name and Address:
    • Enter the bank name and address as shown on the client’s check
  9. ABA Numbers:
    • Enter the two numbers usually found at the upper right corner of the check (in fraction format)
  10. Government Assigned Tax Deposit Frequencies:
    • Enter the correct tax deposit frequency status for each type of tax (Federal, State, Local)
    • Options include:
      • (S) Semi-Weekly
      • (M) Monthly
      • (H) Half-Monthly (Semi-Monthly) – State Withholding Taxes only
      • (Q) Quarterly
      • (4) Quarter-Monthly – State Withholding Taxes only
      • (8) Eighth Monthly – State Withholding Taxes only
      • (1-5) 1 or 5 day depositors – State Withholding Taxes only
      • (N) Not Applicable
  11. Note: For Federal 941 liability of $100,000 or more on any pay date, the program automatically generates a tax payment due the following banking day.
  12. Employer Preferred Tax Deposit Frequencies:
    • Optional field for cases where employers prefer to pay taxes more frequently than required by law
    • Cannot be less frequent than the government-assigned frequency

Troubleshooting Tips #

  1. Incorrect Tax ID Numbers:
    • Always verify tax ID numbers using official documents to avoid costly mistakes in tax payments
  2. Bank Account Information Errors:
    • Double-check the routing number and account number against a voided check
    • Ensure you’re not including the check number in the account number field
  3. Tax Deposit Frequency Issues:
    • Regularly review and update tax deposit frequencies to avoid penalties
    • Keep copies of government-issued frequency status letters for reference

Additional Resources #

For more detailed information on other Employer Set-up Screens (2-5), please refer to the following articles:

  • Employer Set-up Screen-2
  • Employer Set-up Screen-3
  • Employer Set-up Screen-4
  • Employer Set-up Screen-5

Feedback #

We value your input! If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback about this knowledge base article, please use the feedback option in our ProPay payroll software help menu or visit our website at