Table of Contents
Client Management in ProPay #
Overview #
This article provides guidance on managing client information in the ProPay payroll software. It covers essential fields for client setup, including company details, banking information, and client status.
Key Features #
- Company Information Management
- Electronic Billing Setup
- Client Activity Status
- Contact Management
- Payroll Frequency Configuration
Detailed Instructions #
Company Information #
Fill in the following fields with the appropriate information:
- Company Name
- Address
- Phone
- Fax
Banking Information #
For electronic billing purposes, enter:
- Bank Name: Enter the client’s bank name.
- Bank Routing No.:
- Enter a 9-digit bank routing number.
- This can be found at the bottom of a check.
- Leave blank if not using electronic billing.
- Bank Account No.:
- Enter up to 17 digits for the bank account number.
- This can be found at the bottom of a check.
- Leave blank if not using electronic billing.
Client Status #
- Active:
- Set to “Y” (Yes) if the client is active.
- Set to “N” (No) if the client becomes inactive.
- Inactive clients will not appear on the weekly schedule but their files are retained for future use (e.g., year-end W-2’s, quarterly filings).
Contact Information #
- Contact: Enter the name of the client’s primary contact person for payroll matters.
Payroll Configuration #
- Regular Payroll Pay Frequency: Set according to the client’s pay schedule. Refer to the “Pay Frequency” topic for more details.
Saving and Exiting #
- Click the “Save” button to save all client data.
- Click “Exit” to leave the screen.
Deleting a Client #
- Click the “Delete” button to remove a client from your list.
- This action removes the client’s name from the Client list but retains payroll files on the hard drive.
Removing Client Files #
To completely remove client files:
- Open File Explorer.
- Navigate to the \Paysoft\PROPAY24 folder.
- Click the “Name” tab to sort files by filename.
- Select all files that begin with the client’s ID (e.g., “A05”).
- Delete the selected files.
Troubleshooting #
If you encounter issues while managing client information:
- Ensure all required fields are filled out correctly.
- Double-check banking information for accuracy.
- Verify that the client ID is unique within your system.
- If problems persist, consult the ProPay help menu or contact support.
Additional Resources #
- For more information on adding a new client, see the “Add Client” article.
- Access the full ProPay help menu within the software or visit our website at
Feedback #
We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this documentation or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team through the ProPay software or website.