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Client Management in ProPay #

Overview #

This article provides guidance on managing client information in the ProPay payroll software. It covers essential fields for client setup, including company details, banking information, and client status.

Key Features #

  • Company Information Management
  • Electronic Billing Setup
  • Client Activity Status
  • Contact Management
  • Payroll Frequency Configuration

Detailed Instructions #

Company Information #

Fill in the following fields with the appropriate information:

  • Company Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Fax

Banking Information #

For electronic billing purposes, enter:

  1. Bank Name: Enter the client’s bank name.
  2. Bank Routing No.:
    • Enter a 9-digit bank routing number.
    • This can be found at the bottom of a check.
    • Leave blank if not using electronic billing.
  3. Bank Account No.:
    • Enter up to 17 digits for the bank account number.
    • This can be found at the bottom of a check.
    • Leave blank if not using electronic billing.

Client Status #

  • Active:
    • Set to “Y” (Yes) if the client is active.
    • Set to “N” (No) if the client becomes inactive.
    • Inactive clients will not appear on the weekly schedule but their files are retained for future use (e.g., year-end W-2’s, quarterly filings).

Contact Information #

  • Contact: Enter the name of the client’s primary contact person for payroll matters.

Payroll Configuration #

  • Regular Payroll Pay Frequency: Set according to the client’s pay schedule. Refer to the “Pay Frequency” topic for more details.

Saving and Exiting #

  1. Click the “Save” button to save all client data.
  2. Click “Exit” to leave the screen.

Deleting a Client #

  1. Click the “Delete” button to remove a client from your list.
  2. This action removes the client’s name from the Client list but retains payroll files on the hard drive.

Removing Client Files #

To completely remove client files:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Navigate to the \Paysoft\PROPAY24 folder.
  3. Click the “Name” tab to sort files by filename.
  4. Select all files that begin with the client’s ID (e.g., “A05”).
  5. Delete the selected files.

Troubleshooting #

If you encounter issues while managing client information:

  1. Ensure all required fields are filled out correctly.
  2. Double-check banking information for accuracy.
  3. Verify that the client ID is unique within your system.
  4. If problems persist, consult the ProPay help menu or contact support.

Additional Resources #

  • For more information on adding a new client, see the “Add Client” article.
  • Access the full ProPay help menu within the software or visit our website at

Feedback #

We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this documentation or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team through the ProPay software or website.