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Delete Payroll Checks

Deleting and Voiding Checks #

Overview #

This article provides guidance on deleting and voiding checks in the ProPay payroll software. Understanding when and how to delete or void checks is crucial for maintaining accurate payroll records and tax liabilities.

Table of Contents #

  1. Deleting Checks
    • Before Printing
    • After Printing
  2. Voiding Checks
  3. Important Considerations
  4. Step-by-Step Guide: Deleting Checks
  5. Step-by-Step Guide: Voiding Checks
  6. Troubleshooting
  7. Additional Resources

Deleting Checks #

Before Printing #

If you discover errors in one or more paychecks during payroll entry, you can delete them before printing:

  1. Go to the “PAYCHECKS” menu

After Printing #

Deleting checks after printing should be done with caution:

  • If the check has not been cashed, you may delete it and reissue another check
  • If the check has been cashed, DO NOT delete it; instead, void the check

Note: Deleting checks will change the tax liability for the client. You may need to reprint tax checks if you issue new checks.

Voiding Checks #

Voiding checks is the preferred method for handling issued checks that need to be cancelled. This method leaves an audit trail and creates a negative paycheck identical to the original.

Important Considerations #

  • WARNING: Do not delete a paycheck from a previous quarter unless you intend to reprint tax checks and quarterly forms
  • It’s best to void checks in the current quarter to maintain a proper audit trail
  • Enter correct information in the current quarter when voiding checks from previous periods

Step-by-Step Guide: Deleting Checks #

  1. From the “Main Payroll Menu”, click on “Paychecks”
  2. Select “Delete Payroll Records”
  3. Enter the employee’s name:
    • Type the first 3-4 letters of the employee’s last name for a search
    • Type “ALL” to delete all paychecks for the selected pay date
    • Leave blank to quit
  4. For a single check deletion:
    • Double-click on the desired employee
    • Click the OK button
  5. Enter the appropriate password if required

Step-by-Step Guide: Voiding Checks #

  1. Go to “VOID PAY CHECKS”
  2. Choose the pay date
  3. Select one or more paychecks
  4. Click Continue

Troubleshooting #

Unable to delete a checkEnsure you have the correct permissions and password
Tax liability discrepanciesReprint tax checks after deleting or voiding checks
Cannot find the employee in the listVerify the spelling of the employee’s name and try searching with fewer letters

Additional Resources #

  • For more detailed instructions, please refer to the ProPay help menu within the software
  • Visit our website at for additional support documentation

We value your feedback! If you have any suggestions for improving this documentation, please contact our support team through the ProPay software or our website.