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Adding Company Logos to Checks

Adding Company Logos to Checks #

Overview #

Pro-Pay offers the ability to print custom company logos on payroll checks, replacing the standard 3 or 4 lines containing the company’s name and address. This article provides guidance on how to prepare and add a company logo to your payroll checks using Pro-Pay.

Key Features #

  • Customizable company logo placement on checks
  • Support for various image file formats (.BMP, .GIF, .JPG)
  • Ability to include company address and phone number within the logo area

Logo Requirements #

  • Image dimensions: 3/4 inch high by 2.5 inches wide
  • File format: .BMP (bitmap)
  • File naming convention: [FileID]_LOGO.BMP (e.g., A01_LOGO.BMP)
  • Storage location: C:\Paysoft\PROPAY20 directory (or your Pro-Pay installation directory)

Adding a Logo to Checks #

Method 1: Scanning a Logo #

  1. Use a scanner to capture the logo from company literature.
  2. Scan the image in a rectangular area 3 times as wide as its height.
  3. Save the file as [FileID]_LOGO.BMP in the Pro-Pay directory.

Method 2: Using an Existing Logo File #

  1. Locate the existing logo file (.GIF, .JPG, or .BMP).
  2. Edit the file to meet the required dimensions and include necessary information.

Editing a Company Logo #

For experienced users: #

Use your preferred image editing software to modify the logo.

For beginners: #

  1. Open Paint from the Windows Start menu (Start > Programs > Accessories > Paint).
  2. Click File > Open and select your logo file.
  3. Add text for the company’s address and/or phone number.
  4. Resize the image:
    a. Click Image > Stretch/Skew.
    b. Adjust the image to a 1:2 height-to-width ratio.
  5. Set final dimensions:
    a. Click Image > Attributes.
    b. Set the height and width to match the required 3/4 inch by 2.5 inches ratio.
  6. Save the file as [FileID]_LOGO.BMP in the Pro-Pay directory.

Troubleshooting #

Logo doesn’t appear on checks #

  1. Verify the file name follows the correct format: [FileID]_LOGO.BMP.
  2. Ensure the file is saved in the correct Pro-Pay directory.
  3. Check that the file is in .BMP format.
  4. Confirm the image dimensions are correct (3/4 inch high by 2.5 inches wide).

Logo appears distorted or unclear #

  1. Re-edit the logo to ensure it meets the required dimensions.
  2. Try scanning the logo at a higher resolution.
  3. Use image editing software to improve the image quality.

Address or phone number is cut off #

  1. Edit the logo file to ensure all text fits within the 3/4 inch by 2.5 inches area.
  2. Consider using abbreviations or smaller font sizes to fit all information.

Additional Resources #

For further assistance or information, please consult:

  • Pro-Pay software help menu
  • Our website:

Feedback #

We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this article or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team through the Pro-Pay software help menu or our website.