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ACH File Format

ACH File Format

Overview #

This document provides detailed information about the ACH (Automated Clearing House) file format used by Pro-Pay. The ACH file is formatted according to NACHA (National Automated Clearing House Association) standards and is compatible with ASCII format. This guide is essential for users who need to understand the structure and content of ACH files exported by Pro-Pay.

File Structure #

The ACH file consists of several record types, each serving a specific purpose:

  1. File Header Record (Type “1”)
  2. Employer Header Record (Type “5”)
  3. Entry Detail Record (Type “6”)
  4. Employer Control Record (Type “8”)
  5. File Control Record (Type “9”)

Detailed Record Specifications #

1. File Header Record (Type “1”) #

This record appears at the beginning of each ACH file and contains information about the entire file.

Key fields include:

  • Immediate Destination (Routing Number)
  • Immediate Origin (Originator ID)
  • File Creation Date and Time
  • File ID Modifier

2. Employer Header Record (Type “5”) #

This record contains information about the employer or company initiating the ACH transactions.

Key fields include:

  • Company Name
  • Company Identification
  • Effective Entry Date

3. Entry Detail Record (Type “6”) #

This record contains information about individual transactions.

Key fields include:

  • Transaction Code
  • Receiving DFI ID (Routing Number)
  • DFI Account Number
  • Amount
  • Individual Name

4. Employer Control Record (Type “8”) #

This record summarizes the batch of transactions for a single employer.

Key fields include:

  • Entry Count
  • Total Debit and Credit Amounts

5. File Control Record (Type “9”) #

This record appears at the end of the file and summarizes all transactions in the file.

Key fields include:

  • Batch Count
  • Block Count
  • Total Debit and Credit Amounts

Common User Queries #

Q: How do I determine which fields require input from the Pro-Pay user? #

A: The “Pro-Pay User Input/Screen” column in each record type specification indicates which fields require user input and where this information can be found in the Pro-Pay software.

Q: What is the purpose of the File ID Modifier? #

A: The File ID Modifier is used to distinguish among multiple input files. Label the first (or only) file “A”, and continue in sequence (A-Z) for additional files. Each file must have a unique modifier.

Q: How is the Company Name field populated in the Employer Header Record? #

A: The Company Name field population depends on your settings:

  • If only “Draft Employer’s acct” is checked, the Payroll Processor’s Name is used.
  • If “Single Company batches” is checked, the Employer’s name is used.

Troubleshooting #

Issue: File rejection due to incorrect Immediate Destination or Origin #

  1. Check the “Direct Deposits or Tax Impounds Setup” screen in Pro-Pay.
  2. Verify that the Settlement Account Routing Number and Originator ID are correct.
  3. Update the information if necessary and regenerate the ACH file.

Issue: Transactions not processing for specific employees #

  1. Review the Entry Detail Records for the affected employees.
  2. Verify that the Receiving DFI ID (Routing Number) and DFI Account Number are correct.
  3. Check the Transaction Code to ensure it matches the account type (checking or savings).

Best Practices #

  1. Always fax both sides of the ACH file format to your bank or ACH processor before submitting actual files to ensure they can process it correctly.
  2. Double-check all user input fields for accuracy before generating the ACH file.
  3. Use the appropriate File ID Modifier when submitting multiple files.
  4. Regularly review and update the ACH file format settings in Pro-Pay to ensure compliance with any changes in NACHA standards.

The Specs below show how the ACH file is formatted when exported by Pro-Pay



2Priority Code“01”202-03
3Immediate DestinBTTTTAAAAC1004-13
Direct Deposits or Tax Impounds Setup,
Settlement Acct Routing No
4Immediate OriginBTTTTAAAAC1014-23
Direct Deposits or Tax Impounds Setup,
Originator Id
5File Creation DateYYMMDD624-29
6File Creation TimeHHMM430-33
7File ID Modifier“1”134-34
Code to distinguish among multiple input files. Label the first
(or only) file “A”, and continue in sequence (A-Z). If more than
one file is delivered, they mu
st have different modifiers. 
8Record Size“094”335-37
9Blocking Factor“10”238-39
10Format Code“1”140-40
11Immed. Dest NameAlphameric2341-63
Direct Deposits or Tax Impounds Setup screen,
ACH Bank or Processor
12Immed. Orig NameAlphameric2364-86
Payroll Processor’s Name
Pro-Pay Licensee Name
13Reference CodeBlank887-94

“5”-RECORD TYPE – Employer HEADER  #

Additional Resources #

For more information or assistance, please refer to:

  • Pro-Pay software help menu
  • Our website:

Feedback #

We value your input! If you have any suggestions for improving this documentation or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team through the Pro-Pay software or our website.