Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions Under the Affordable Care Act #
Overview #
This knowledge base article provides information about the Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and how to set up ACA reporting in Pro-Pay. It covers the following key areas:
- General information about ACA reporting requirements
- Pro-Pay’s capabilities in ACA reporting
- Step-by-step guide to set up ACA reporting in Pro-Pay
- Accessing ACA reports in Pro-Pay
1. General Information #
The Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions under the ACA require certain employers to offer health coverage to their full-time employees and their dependents. For detailed information, please refer to the following IRS resources:
- Questions and Answers on Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions Under the Affordable Care Act
- Form 1095-C
- Form 1095-B
2. Pro-Pay’s ACA Reporting Capabilities #
Pro-Pay can provide certain information that can be used in filling some of the ACA reporting requirements. Specifically:
- Pro-Pay provides information related to employees covered under the Affordable Care Act.
- Pro-Pay cannot provide information about employees’ family members covered under the same employer-sponsored health plan.
3. Setting Up ACA Reporting in Pro-Pay #
Follow these steps to set up ACA reporting in Pro-Pay:
A. Company/Employer Deductions Set-up #
- Go to the Employer Deductions Set-up Screen
- Set up employer contributions:
- Create a new (M)emo item for the Employer with a description such as “HEALTH-ER”
- In the W2 Box-14 code column, enter “U”
- Check the appropriate boxes indicating the taxability of the particular Health Plan
- Set up employee contributions (if applicable):
- Create a new (D)eduction for the Employees with a description such as “HEALTH-EE”
- Check the appropriate boxes indicating the taxability of the particular Health Plan
B. Employee Deductions/Reimb. Set-up #
- Go to the Employee Deductions/Reimb. screen
- Enter an (A)mount or (P)ercentage of Gross pay to be deducted from the employee’s paycheck
- Enter an (A)mount or (P)ercentage of Gross pay to be contributed by the Employer on behalf of that employee
4. Accessing ACA Reports in Pro-Pay #
To generate ACA-related reports:
- Go to Reports → Deduction Rep → Employee Ded. Summary Reports or Employee Ded. Detail Reports
- Check the box “SELECTED EMPLOYEES”
- Click “Select ALL” or check one or more employees
- Check the HEALTH-EE and HEALTH-ER deductions
- Click the “REPORT” button
Troubleshooting #
If you encounter issues while setting up ACA reporting or generating reports, try the following:
- Verify that all deductions are set up correctly in the Employer Deductions Set-up screen
- Ensure that employee contributions and employer contributions are entered correctly in the Employee Deductions/Reimb. screen
- Check that you have selected the correct employees and deductions when generating reports
If problems persist, please consult the Pro-Pay help menu or contact our support team.
Additional Resources #
For more information or assistance, customers can:
- Use the help menu within the Pro-Pay payroll software
- Visit our website at https://www.Paysoft.com
Feedback #
We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this knowledge base article or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team.