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ACA – Affordable Care Act

Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions Under the Affordable Care Act #

Overview #

This knowledge base article provides information about the Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and how to set up ACA reporting in Pro-Pay. It covers the following key areas:

  1. General information about ACA reporting requirements
  2. Pro-Pay’s capabilities in ACA reporting
  3. Step-by-step guide to set up ACA reporting in Pro-Pay
  4. Accessing ACA reports in Pro-Pay

1. General Information #

The Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions under the ACA require certain employers to offer health coverage to their full-time employees and their dependents. For detailed information, please refer to the following IRS resources:

2. Pro-Pay’s ACA Reporting Capabilities #

Pro-Pay can provide certain information that can be used in filling some of the ACA reporting requirements. Specifically:

  • Pro-Pay provides information related to employees covered under the Affordable Care Act.
  • Pro-Pay cannot provide information about employees’ family members covered under the same employer-sponsored health plan.

3. Setting Up ACA Reporting in Pro-Pay #

Follow these steps to set up ACA reporting in Pro-Pay:

A. Company/Employer Deductions Set-up #

  1. Go to the Employer Deductions Set-up Screen
  2. Set up employer contributions:
    • Create a new (M)emo item for the Employer with a description such as “HEALTH-ER”
    • In the W2 Box-14 code column, enter “U”
    • Check the appropriate boxes indicating the taxability of the particular Health Plan
  3. Set up employee contributions (if applicable):
    • Create a new (D)eduction for the Employees with a description such as “HEALTH-EE”
    • Check the appropriate boxes indicating the taxability of the particular Health Plan

B. Employee Deductions/Reimb. Set-up #

  1. Go to the Employee Deductions/Reimb. screen
  2. For HEALTH-EE:
    • Enter an (A)mount or (P)ercentage of Gross pay to be deducted from the employee’s paycheck
  3. For HEALTH-ER:
    • Enter an (A)mount or (P)ercentage of Gross pay to be contributed by the Employer on behalf of that employee

4. Accessing ACA Reports in Pro-Pay #

To generate ACA-related reports:

  1. Go to Reports → Deduction Rep → Employee Ded. Summary Reports or Employee Ded. Detail Reports
  2. Check the box “SELECTED EMPLOYEES”
  3. Click “Select ALL” or check one or more employees
  4. Check the box “SELECTED DEDUCTIONS”
  5. Check the HEALTH-EE and HEALTH-ER deductions
  6. Click the “REPORT” button

Troubleshooting #

If you encounter issues while setting up ACA reporting or generating reports, try the following:

  1. Verify that all deductions are set up correctly in the Employer Deductions Set-up screen
  2. Ensure that employee contributions and employer contributions are entered correctly in the Employee Deductions/Reimb. screen
  3. Check that you have selected the correct employees and deductions when generating reports

If problems persist, please consult the Pro-Pay help menu or contact our support team.

Additional Resources #

For more information or assistance, customers can:

Feedback #

We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving this knowledge base article or encounter any issues not addressed here, please contact our support team.